Dozen Rose Hand Wrapped Bouquet
AVAILABLE 2/10-2/14
Say “I love you” the classic way with a stunning hand-wrapped bouquet of 12 premium roses, accented with fresh seasonal greenery. Thoughtfully arranged and wrapped in our signature Valentine’s Day packaging, this bouquet is the perfect way to make their heart skip a beat—no vase needed.
• 12 premium roses in romantic red (or your choice of color)
• Touch of Fresh seasonal greenery for added texture and elegance
• Beautifully wrapped in luxe Valentine’s Day paper with a satin ribbon
A timeless and heartfelt gift for your Valentine—because love should always be this beautiful.
Available for local pickup and delivery.
AVAILABLE 2/10-2/14
Say “I love you” the classic way with a stunning hand-wrapped bouquet of 12 premium roses, accented with fresh seasonal greenery. Thoughtfully arranged and wrapped in our signature Valentine’s Day packaging, this bouquet is the perfect way to make their heart skip a beat—no vase needed.
• 12 premium roses in romantic red (or your choice of color)
• Touch of Fresh seasonal greenery for added texture and elegance
• Beautifully wrapped in luxe Valentine’s Day paper with a satin ribbon
A timeless and heartfelt gift for your Valentine—because love should always be this beautiful.
Available for local pickup and delivery.
AVAILABLE 2/10-2/14
Say “I love you” the classic way with a stunning hand-wrapped bouquet of 12 premium roses, accented with fresh seasonal greenery. Thoughtfully arranged and wrapped in our signature Valentine’s Day packaging, this bouquet is the perfect way to make their heart skip a beat—no vase needed.
• 12 premium roses in romantic red (or your choice of color)
• Touch of Fresh seasonal greenery for added texture and elegance
• Beautifully wrapped in luxe Valentine’s Day paper with a satin ribbon
A timeless and heartfelt gift for your Valentine—because love should always be this beautiful.
Available for local pickup and delivery.